Under $10,000
Where can you find a house for under ten grand that isn’t in shambles? You can find it here, together with good looks and cozy living vibes.
Financing Available
Finance the Sojourn for $170-$259 a month (5 year term), or get a 1-year membership w/ land starting at $900+/mo. (Available soon!)
The Sojourn is easy to set up, take down, move in and move out. Perfect for nomadic souls that believe in eco-friendly, minimal living.
Due to the Corona Virus, we had to switch manufacturing partners. It just so happens that right as we we’re moving forward with a plan for production, this pandemic hit and caused a lot of issues. We had to go back to the drawing board and find a local partner here in the United States. We hope to begin shipping late summer/early fall. Thanks for your patience!